The Management Board of the Company is a collegial management body of the Company. The competence and the procedure for making the decisions, election of members and their recall from office is prescribed by law, other legal acts, the Company’s Articles of Association, and the Work Regulations of the Management Board.
The Company's Management Board, consisting of five members, is elected and dismissed by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a term of four years, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Company's Articles of Association and the law. The Board shall be accountable to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Management Board shall elect the Chairman of the Board from among its members.
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VIDMANTAS SALIETIS Shareholder‘s representative, Chairman |
Vidmantas, who is a professional with 10+ years of experience in top-level positions in the energy sector, joined the Group in 2011 and since has served as an executive in various Group companies. During this time, he spearheaded one of the major changes in the electricity sector – market deregulation. In addition to becoming a Member of the Management Board of Group in 2018, Vidmantas has also been serving as Chair of the Supervisory Board of Ignitis Gamyba and Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Renewables. Prior to that, he had served as CEO at Energijos Tiekimas, and had led an electricity wholesale trading department at Ignitis Gamyba. He had also served as Chair and Member of the Management Board of Elektroninių Mokėjimų Agentūra and Member of the Management Board of Gamybos Optimizavimas.
Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga), Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business.
Owned shares of AB „Ignitis grupė“ 200.
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EDVARDAS JATAUTAS Independent member, financial management |
Jatautas, who has accumulated 20 years of management practice, is currently leading his own companies established in the USA and the Baltic States, which specialise in business process optimisation, system integration and business consulting. The clients of companies include the U.S. Federal Law Enforcement Training Centre, the U.S. Senate, telecommunications, finance, and logistics companies. Since 2013, he has been a member of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance (BICG).
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Master's degree in Engineering Informatics; ISM University of Management and Economics, Master's degree in Management Program; Harvard Business School.
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MINDAUGAS ŠEŠTOKAS Independent member, organisational development |
Vytautas Magnus University, Master's degree in Business Administration.
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VILMANTAS VITKAUSKAS Civil servant, business continuity and security |
Vitkauskas has more than 23 years of experience in the civil service, NATO and the National Defence System. For many years, he held various management positions in the structures of NATO and the National Defence System; was a national security adviser to the President of the Republic of Lithuania.
Vytautas Magnus University, Bachelor's degree in Political Science; Lithuanian University of Law, Master's degree in Law.
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MANTAS MIKALAJŪNAS Shareholder's representative, strategic planning and management |
Mantas, who has almost 20 years of executive experience in various energy sector’s companies, launched his career in Lietuvos Dujos. Later, he had an internship in a German energy group. After returning to Lithuania, he was working in strategic positions at Lietuvos Dujos, where he served as an executive team member and was responsible for issues related to investor relations, state authorities and the regulator as well as integration of Lietuvos Dujos into Lietuvos Energija (current Ignitis Group). Before transitioning to the current position of Group Head of Regulated Activities, Mantas had served as Head of Business Development of Ignitis Group and CEO of Lietuvos Dujų Tiekimas (later, Lietuvos Energijos Tiekimas).
Vilnius University, Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management.
Owned shares of AB „Ignitis grupė“ 220.
Chief Executive Officer is the sole management body of the Company. The Chief Executive Officer organises, directs, acts on behalf of the Company and concludes transactions unilaterally, except for cases provided for in legislation and the Articles of Association. The competence of the Chief Executive Officer, election and recalling procedures are established by laws, other legal acts and the Articles of Association of the Company.
The CEO of the Company is elected and removed from office by the Management Board of the Company, considering the opinion of the Supervisory Board of the Company. The competence of the CEO of the Company, the procedure for election and revocation and the number of terms of office is determined by the Law on Companies, its implementing legal acts and the Articles of Association of the Company. It should be noted that the CEO of the Company as a subsidiary of a state-owned enterprise is also subject to the special characteristics of recruitment provided for in the Law on Companies, according to which the term of office of the CEO is limited to a period of five years. The law stipulates that the same person may be elected as the head of the company for no more than two consecutive terms of office.
The remuneration of the CEO of the Company is determined in accordance with the remuneration policy of the group of companies of Ignitis Group and the internal legal acts implementing it.
From March 27, 2024, to March 26, 2029, Asta Sungailienė is the CEO of the company. Information about the director is provided above.
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Asta Sungailienė has over 20 years of experience as a senior executive in various fields. She started her managerial career in Vilniaus Bankas, where she worked as a Venture Capital Manager. Later she became CEO of the bank’s subsidiary VB Rizikos kapitalo valdymas.
From 2004 to 2014, Asta worked in various management positions at SEB bankas in Lithuania and Latvia, where she was responsible for the management of financial and banking activities and the implementation of global investment strategies.
Continuing her career, from 2015 to 2018, A. Sungailienė founded Linea Sana, a yoga club promoting healthy lifestyle. From 2018 to 2023, Asta served as CEO of Lietuvos paštas and, most recently, as a Board Member at EPSO-G.
Asta has also contributed to the management of various companies, including Baltic Post, Ad ventum, Sostinių golfas, Jūrės medis, Malsena, Limarko laivininkystės kompanija, Litfarma ir partneriai, Nordic Just&Hytter, where she was a Board Member. She also served as a Board Member at VB Investicijų valdymas, as a Council Chair at Aleksotas and participated in employee mentoring programmes.
Master's Degree in Finance and Banking,
Vytautas Magnus University Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management,
Vytautas Magnus University Study Abroad, Moraine Valley Community College
As of 15 February 2023, the Management Committee of the Company has been established by decision of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The competence, convening and decision-making procedures of the Management Committee shall be determined by the Company's Articles of Association and other legal acts governing the Management Committee.
The members of the Management Committee are the employees of the Company whose functions include serving on the Management Committee. The composition, operational guidelines and terms of remuneration of the Management Committee shall be determined in accordance with the procedures laid down by the parent company, subject to the approval of the Management Board of the parent company.
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Asta Sungailienė |
Asta Sungailienė has over 20 years of experience as a senior executive in various fields. She started her managerial career in Vilniaus Bankas, where she worked as a Venture Capital Manager. Later she became CEO of the bank’s subsidiary VB Rizikos kapitalo valdymas.
From 2004 to 2014, Asta worked in various management positions at SEB bankas in Lithuania and Latvia, where she was responsible for the management of financial and banking activities and the implementation of global investment strategies.
Continuing her career, from 2015 to 2018, A. Sungailienė founded Linea Sana, a yoga club promoting healthy lifestyle. From 2018 to 2023, Asta served as CEO of Lietuvos paštas and, most recently, as a Board Member at EPSO-G.
Asta has also contributed to the management of various companies, including Baltic Post, Ad ventum, Sostinių golfas, Jūrės medis, Malsena, Limarko laivininkystės kompanija, Litfarma ir partneriai, Nordic Just&Hytter, where she was a Board Member. She also served as a Board Member at VB Investicijų valdymas, as a Council Chair at Aleksotas and participated in employee mentoring programmes.
Master's Degree in Finance and Banking,
Vytautas Magnus University Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management,
Vytautas Magnus University Study Abroad, Moraine Valley Community College
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Valivonis, having 14 years of experience in the field of finance, of which 9 years in the energy sector, joined AB Ignitis Gamyba in 2013. He gained management experience from working as head of various divisions of the company. Since 29 December 2020, he is the Director of Finance and Administration of AB Ignitis Gamyba.
Master’s degree in Economic Analysis and Planning, Vilnius University;
Oxford University, Saïd Business School, Executive Programme.
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Since 1995 he worked at the Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas Hydroelectric Power Plant, initially as shift supervisor and later as head of the Electrotechnical Service. In 2012, he started managing the service of the Combined Cycle Unit belonging to Ignitis Gamyba. Since October 2013, he is the Director of Power generation of Ignitis Gamyba.
Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Energy Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology
The Company belongs to one of the largest energy groups in the Baltic States - AB “Ignitis Grupė”, which owns 100% of the Company's shares.
AB Ignitis Gamyba Articles of Association
Company code: 301844044
VAT payer code: LT100004278519
Date established and register: 28 August 2008, Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities
Head Office and Correspondence address: Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. No. +370 5 278 2222
E-mail: grupe@ignitis.lt
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